You’re just using functions to set default variables. You might as well set those in a config file and import them is as defaults then use the original fetch function without creating any new functions. You’re creating a lot of abstract decorator functions for little gain. Maybe if they had more code in them, but you’d have to justify this:
const postJsonPrivateData = resJson(rejectErrors(authorize(prefixUrl(post))));
Which is awfully ugly. Also if you have to change any of the parameters to those in-between functions it’s gonna get really messy really fast. I guess I like to be able to more easily tell what’s going on in front of me since it can be months between when I open up files.
Every organization is different. Your organization might be full of snarky tech bros constantly competing to be the most clever. If that makes you feel secure in your job then that’s what’s right for you. It’s my opinion that even if something is slightly repetitive and more verbose it can end up being easier to decipher and foster a more collaborative environment more concerned with output than style.
Good luck.