Easy Way to Make Blockchain NFTs and Semi FungibleTokens — No Coding
What is an Ethereum Token?
Difference Between Fungible and Non-Fungible
What is an ERC-721?
What are they good for?
Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are great for representing things like titles, deeds, game items, and other tradable goods. An NFT represents a single item and the history of who traded that item is preserved on the blockchain. Fungible Tokens (ERC20s) are great for representing things like currency, stocks and tickets for your events, but what if you want to mix the two? Now you can with the ERC-1155 contract used on Ownerfy. With the ERC-1155 you can represent things like coupons and tickets where the meta data is the same for a large group, but you can also issue NFTs with a quantity of 1 and your NFT behaves like a traditional NFT.
Any tokens you create will always be traceable back to the creator address and no one can counterfeit or imitate them. Tokens take on the authority of the entity who creates them. Ownerfy holds a record and profile data of each creator so they may be verified more easily.
What is different about the Ownerfy NFT minting process than using a marketplace like OpenSea to mint?
- We publish the source code for our contracts
- We use on chain digital fingerprint hashes AND IPFS
- We don’t have any rug-pull mechanisms built into the smart contract, we can’t pause or lock people’s NFTs
- We try to connect a brand identity so people know NFTs come from the right account
- We NEVER lazy mint.
- We only make NFTs on chain so the art and media is proven to exist at that time
- We believe heavily in NFT standards that will last the test of time. Most NFTs created today will be considered poor quality if they don’t meet these standards.
You can try this now (more detailed step by step below)
On Ownerfy you can make either kind of NFT on main-net Ethereum blockchain and have a convenient way to view, manage, and send them. You can also export you private key (and import into Metamask) to see your ownerfy minted assets on any open marketplace like OpenSea or Rarible. Check out the FAQ page for how to import your Ownerfy account to Metamask.
How to create NFTs and Semi Fungible Tokens step by step
- This just got a whole lot easier. Just go to Ownerfy.com and click mint an NFT.
Enjoy your main chain Ethereum NFTs and Semi Fungible NFTs!
If you’re interested we can also set up airdrop codes or scannable QR airdrops for your NFTs. Contact us.